Monday, October 09, 2006

Da ya think I'm sexy?

Estaba viendo el blog de un amigo y me encontre con estos test. Muy divertidos..

You are suave.

You are attractive both psyically and mentally. You use your abilities to attract anyone you desire.'What is your seduction style?' at

The porno of Catwoman's life will be called ...

"10 Things you always wanted to do with a vibrator"

'What will the porno of your life be called?' at

jajajaja, este del vibrador tiene tanta verdad.....

You are 91% fuckable!

Take this quiz at

Using your body

Your sexual hidden talent is using your body's natural charm and beauty to seduce your partner. You are all about having the perfect body/looking good for your partner - and it does the trick every time.

Take this quiz at

Bueno, Ya lo tengo a EL en mis brazos otra vez y no pienso dejarlo ir otra vez.. Bueno al menos en buen tiempo. Vieron la luna en el fin de semana?


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